Dental professionals, students and academics

As a leading higher education institution, the Edinburgh Dental Institute and the University of Edinburgh welcome and encourage visits from dental professionals, students and academics.

Whilst we look forward to welcoming visitors to the Edinburgh Dental Institute, visits can take a lot of planning and preparation from both parties.

As a first step we encourage all visitors to make contact with us via our general email address:

Please outline the following:
  • What is the purpose of your visit?
  • Where is your affiliated Institution?
  • What area of expertise do you want to study during your visit?
  • How long would you like to stay with us?
  • How much funding do you have?
  • What visa requirements will you require?
  • Where will you stay during your visit?

Please take time to consider all aspects of visiting Edinburgh as this will help you in preparing your application to come to visit. 

Visiting the city