Course content

Course content and structure

The course is broken down into the following weekly commitment:

  • 60% supervised clinical and laboratory management of patient care
  • 30% theory and seminar based work
  • 10% research


Year 1

Introductory Course in Prosthodontics                                                   20 credits

Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning                                20 credits

Removable Prosthodontics                                                                          20 credits

Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics                                                  20 credits

Dental Material Science                                                                                 20 credits

Critical Appraisal of Scientific Research                                                 20 credits

Clinical Patient Care 1                                                                                    60 credits   


Year 2  

Occlusion and Advanced Prosthodontics                                              20 credits 

Endodontics, Periodontics and Interdisciplinary Care                    20 credits 

Implant Supported Prosthodontics                                                         10 credits 

Digital Applications in Prosthodontics                                                   10 credits 

Research Dissertation                                                                                    60 credits

Clinical Patient Care 2                                                                                   60 credits 


Year 3

Student-Led Individually Created Course (SLICC)                             40 credits 

Clinical Governance Project                                                                        40 credits 

Specialist-Level Clinical Case Reports                                                    40 credits 

Clinical Patient Care 3                                                                                    60 credits