Professor Angus walls has been elected as the 94th President of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, IADR is a non-profit organization with nearly 11,000 members worldwide. Their mission is to advance research and increase knowledge for the improvement of oral health worldwide; to support and represent the oral health research community and to facilitate the communication and application of research findings. Image Prof Walls bearing the chain of office of President of IADR, having been inducted by his predecessor Prof Jukka Meurman from Helsinki Finland At the opening ceremony for the meeting Professor Walls gave his inaugural address in which he urged the members to give more consideration to the oral care problems of older people. The research community is all too aware of the changes in population demography that are occurring worldwide and in the retention of teeth by many older people and yet there is a dearth of information about how ageing affects oral disease and about how dentists need to manage disease in the older population. This article was published on 2024-01-29